Mike 7th February 2017

I didn't have the pleasure to meet Helen, but I've heard about her from her sister, and my colleague, Dorothy. I've also read a lot about Helen, and it's obvious she was a "special" person in more ways than one. She seemed to have the gift of touching others' hearts and lighting up their lives. My brother-in-law Arthur was also "special", in many of the same ways as Helen, and I was so proud to have him serve as my best man when I married his sister. He was proud, too, making it a truly special day for all of us. I live in the USA, so contributing to Helen's fund is a little difficult, but I'm making a contribution to a local organization in my town that helps persons much like Helen. It feels good to help continue such good work, so may I suggest that you consider doing the same if logistics are difficult for you also? And Helen, may we meet someday in another place. I'll recognize you by your smile. Mike Hendricks